New Ballet Financial Aid
PLEASE NOTE - Outside students interested in Financial Aid for the Pre-Professional Division, for the 6 Week Summer Intensive, for the 4 Week Summer Intensive and for the Young Dancer Intensive must schedule a dance assessment to confirm fitness for the programs. Outside students may apply for Financial Aid for the Primary Division and Summer Sessions without an assessment.
Registered New Ballet students may apply for Financial Aid without any assessment at any time and that application will be valid for any program, although awards may not be available for every program. Currently, we are not offering Financial Aid for the Competition Prep Intensive or the Variations Intensive.
FINANCIAL AID MAY NOT COVER ALL TUITION - PARTIAL FINANCIAL AID IS OFTEN AWARDED. Please wait to register for programs until AFTER your Financial Aid application has been assessed and a decision has been relayed to you.
Award amounts vary from year to year based on available funding and application pool.
How to apply for Financial Aid
New Ballet partners with SSS in our financial aid process. Any questions on how to fill out the application should be directed to the SSS support team and not New Ballet.
1. Send an email to letting us know you plan to apply for Financial Aid and for what program. NOTE: We do not get notified by the SSS system that an application has been submitted so you MUST contact us to let us know you are applying and once you have submitted your application for your application to officially be processed.
2. Go to the Family Portal at
3. Create your Family Portal account with your email address and a password. If you applied for financial aid previously, log into the Family Portal as a Returning Family using your same email address and password.
4. Complete a PFS for Academic Year 2024-25 for Summer and 2025-2026 for the School Year (if applying for both 2025 Summer and the 2025-2026 School year, apply only for 2025-2026 and let us know you wish to apply for Financial Aid for both Summer and School year). You can log out at any time and return later to finish it. The PFS is a comprehensive application that will take some time to complete. Give yourself the time you need by not waiting until our deadline approaches. You’ll need your most recent tax return before beginning the PFS. Be sure to use the notes section if there are circumstances not captured by the paperwork, or recent changes not reflected in your tax return. Any questions on how to fill out the application should be directed to the SSS support team and not New Ballet.
5. When all PFS sections are complete with green checks, email to let us know that your application is ready. The application fees for all registered New Ballet students will be waived and outside students who are in need of a waiver, may contact us to see you qualify for a fee waiver. YOU MUST EMAIL US TO LET US AT TO LET US KNOW THAT YOUR PFS SECTIONS ARE COMPLETE AND WE NEED TO APPLY THE WAIVER. We will email you once your waiver is applied.
6. Once you have received our email that your waiver is applied, hit the Submit & Pay button. You will not be required to pay any fee if the waiver has been paid by New Ballet. Submit your forms. Once your PFS is submitted, it cannot be withdrawn from the SSS system.
Key information you need to know about our school as you complete the PFS:
Our school’s full name: New Ballet School
Our partner code (school code): 154213
Contact information for financial aid:
Deadline for completing the PFS: ongoing
7. We will communicate our financial aid decision to you. To make our decision, we use the information from the PFS as a starting point and consider our school policies, practices, and available budget.
Financial Aid Policies
There are a limited number of financial aid assistance packages available. The number of scholarships and amount of financial aid awarded is based on available funds, and careful consideration is given to every application and award. Recipients of financial aid are required to adhere to the policies and regulations set forth below. New Ballet School reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to revoke and rescind any financial aid and/or merit scholarship awarded to a recipient who fails to adhere to the policies of the school and regulations set forth below.
All students awarded Financial Aid or Merit Scholarships will be sent a Financial Aid Agreement that will require agreement to the following policies.
Code of Conduct and NBS Policies: The student must follow the NBS Code of Conduct and all other school policies. They must be a role model for other students at New Ballet School in terms of conduct, discipline, and respectful behavior towards all New Ballet faculty, staff, families, and students. Repeated failure to adhere to the code of conduct shall result in revocation of financial aid.
Attendance: Attendance is required in all classes. If physically unable to participate in a class, the student or their family should contact the School Office prior to the start of class and should (with the instructor's permission) audit (observe) that class. Repeated unexcused absences may affect scholarship status. Regardless of whether absences are excused or unexcused we hold our scholarships for students whom we feel can utilize them to their potential benefit through students’ engagement and participation and attendance will be considered for further scholarship awards.
Tuition: Scholarship and Financial Aid recipients must pay tuition payments according to the guidelines set forth by the tuition policy if tuition is owed after any Financial Aid is applied. If students are delinquent on payments, they will be ineligible for future awards.
Early Termination: Scholarships are contingent upon the student completing the entire school year. Should the student exit the program without prior written consent from New Ballet School, they will be ineligible to apply for a scholarship in the future and financial penalties may apply.
Participation in New Ballet School Events: Financial Aid students are expected to participate in all NBS events or performances to which they are invited, and in which they are cast. Financial Aid students will be asked at times to participate as Teacher Assistants, demonstrators, school representatives, and performers at Outreach Events, Performances, Fund Raising Events, and other events. Financial Aid and Scholarship students are highly encouraged to make participation in these events an important priority, and inability to participate in multiple events may affect eligibility for future Financial Aid awards.
Exclusivity: Financial Aid and Scholarship students may not perform, train, or compete with any other organizations. Exceptions must be requested in writing and may or may not be approved by the School Director.
Ambassadorship: Financial Aid and Scholarship students and their families are expected to be good ambassadors of New Ballet in all public forums. Students and families who make defamatory or negative comments regarding New Ballet, its employees, faculty, staff, students, dancers, or about any other aspect, affiliate, or partner of New Ballet in public may be ineligible to receive further Financial Aid.
Summer Intensive: Dancing over the summer is required for all Financial Aid students. Financial Aid students are required to participate in New Ballet's Summer Intensive. Students may audition for and participate in other recognized, high-quality summer programs with prior permission of the School Director. Please discuss all Summer Intensive and other audition plans with the School Director before applying for or auditioning for any Summer Intensive or other dance related programs.